Serveral vendors offer ready made EQDIRECT convertors and cables. Please note that the EQMOD Project does not have any commercial affiliations with these vendors.

Location Vendor Product Ref.
Australia Dontronics TTL-232R #16493
France Pierro-Astro USB-EQ
Germany Robotics Ursa Minor USB Interface
Hungary Makszutov EQMOD Adaptor
Netherlands Astronics USB - EQMOD
UK First Light Optics (distributor of HitecAstro EQDIR) EQDIR
UKIan King Imaging (distributor of HitecAstro EQDIR)EQDIR
UK Opticstar (Shoestring Distributor) EQDIR
UK Rother Valley Optics EQ MODS
USA Shoestring Astronomy EQDIR
USA XAGYL Communications EQDIR-HEQ5

Please note that many of the Vendors listed will ship worldwide.

USB based EQDIRECT devices will often require installation of a driver. This may be provided with the product or made available as a separate download. Please see vendors website for details or check with the vendor directly if in doubt. Always use the latest available driver versions.

For Bluetooth EQDIR search for EQTooth as ready made units are being sold under this name on Ebay.